Dec 04, 2024  
2022-2023 Course Catalog 
2022-2023 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ILCS 201 - Intermediate Spanish I

Credit Hours: 4
Frequency of Offering: Offered in each semester

This course is the first half of the intermediate level sequence in Spanish language. Students will review and deepen their mastery of key grammatical structures studied in the first year of Spanish, and build on this foundation by studying additional structures. Emphasis will be given to developing proficiency in the use of the past tense and in developing a working use of the subjunctive mood. Particular attention will also be paid to social and historical contexts of Spanish speaking countries. Class participation will also be strongly emphasized.

Course Satisfies: Core Exploration Cultural Literacy requirement if not used to satisfy the Core Curriculum International Language requirement.
Prerequisite(s): ILCS 102  or ILCS 110  or equivalent as determined by the Foreign Language Proficiency Test.

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