Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024 - 2025 College Catalog Degree Requirement: Environmental Studies, BA Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Environmental Studies, BA

View Environmental Studies Program website

Environmental studies is broadly defined as the study of nature, including the relationship of humans to the rest of the natural world. Presently, human activities are altering the life systems of our home planet. Climate change, species extinction, atmospheric pollution and loss of ancient forests are common knowledge, as is the planetary impact of human populations and consumption habits. These problems have a biological basis that requires the application of the scientific method to understand them, to discern cause and effects, and to pose scientifically tenable solutions. However, concern for and stewardship of the planet is not solely the purview of the scientist. Our understanding of these issues is impossible without social, cultural, political, ethical and economic considerations. The work of understanding these trends and forming alternate visions for the future draws upon ideas, information and insight from disciplines across the curriculum as well as from co-curricular activities.

The goals of the environmental studies major and minor are two-fold: 1) to help students achieve cross-disciplinary perspectives on the environment, and 2) to create a community of concern among students and faculty who participate in the study area-a community that encourages learning how to act as well as to understand. Even if no environmental problems existed, students and faculty would study how natural systems function, how the arts and social studies reveal connections between humanity and nature, and how the environment has nurtured philosophical and religious ideas about the place of humans in the universe.

To complete a major or minor in environmental studies, a student must satisfy the following requirements designed to establish the breadth and depth of knowledge consistent with the goals of the environmental studies study area.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain core concepts in the natural sciences underlying major environmental issues
  • Explain policy aspects of major environmental issues using the lens of anthropology, sociology or economics
  • Explain major environmental issues using the lens of history, philosophy, religious studies, the arts, or literature
  • Interpret environmentally related quantitative information
  • Communicate environmental ideas effectively in writing and oral presentation
  • Construct a well-supported argument or creative work about environmental issues
  • Integrate classroom and co-curricular learning related to civic engagement and environmental stewardship

Degree Requirements

General College Requirements

To earn a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Environmental Studies, a student must satisfy the General College Requirements (see “Curriculum” section), including the following requirements to satisfy the major:

Foundational Course Requirements

Students must complete each of the following four requirements:

Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ENST 100 - Environment and Society Credit Hours: 4
  • 3 credits hours college level Biology with lab
  • ENST 250 - Environmental Science Credit Hours: 4
  • 3 credits hours college level Chemistry with  lab
  • Toolkit Requirement

    Students must complete one of the following Toolkit Courses:

    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    ENST 182 - Introduction to GIS Credit Hours: 4
    ANTH 201 - Anthropology Toolkit Credit Hours: 4
    BIOL 311 - Biostatistics Credit Hours: 4
    CHEM 305 - Quantitative Analysis Credit Hours: 4
    POSC 200 - Scope and Methods of Political Science Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 253 - Economic Statistics Credit Hours: 4
    MATH 221 - Introduction to Statistics Credit Hours: 4
    SOCI 201 - Social Statistics Credit Hours: 4

    Application Requirement

    Students must complete one of the following:

    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    ENST 390 - Applied Sustainability Practicum Credit Hours: 4
    ENST 391 - Field Study in Sustainable Agriculture Credit Hours: 4
  • Four (4) credits approved ENST Independent Study, Directed Research, or Internship
  • Approved Study Abroad or Field Studies course
  • Depth Requirements

    Students choose one track to fulfill their depth requirement to provide significant expertise in a focused area. There are three available tracks: Environmental Science; Environmental Policy and Social Science; and Environmental Arts and Humanities. Depth requirements can be fulfilled in one of the following ways:

    • 16 ENST or ENST cross-listed credits, all within a single ENST track; eight (8) credits of which must be at the 300-400 level


    • Successful completion of an additional Major AND 8 credits must be ENST or ENST cross-listed credits within ENST depth track

    Breadth Requirements

    Breadth Requirement: Eight (8) Credits of ENST or ENST Cross-Listed Courses consisting of four (4) credits from each of the two tracks not used to fulfill the depth requirement.

    ENST Seminar Requirement

    Students must complete ENST 490 - Environmental Studies Junior Seminar*

    *Should be taken in the junior year prior to enrolling in the capstone experience.

    Capstone Requirement

    The capstone experience must consist of 8 credit hours, a student can satisfy it one of the following ways:

    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    ENST 493 - St. Mary’s Project in Environmental Studies AND Credit Hours: 1-8
    ENST 494 - St. Mary’s Project in Environmental Studies Credit Hours: 1-8


    ENST 495 - Environmental Studies Capstone plus 4 credit hours of any upper-level ENST course not used to satisfy any other ENST requirement Credit Hours: 4


  • 8 credit hours of SMP in another program
  • OR

  • Capstone Experience in another major with additional upper-level ENST course (not used to satisfy any other ENST requirement) as needed to reach 8 credit hours.
  • Credit Requirements

    * See the SMCM Catalog for additional information on major credit count, courses offered, and other information on major.

    • A minimum of 59 credits is required to fulfill the major.
    • Students must earn a grade of C- or better, and maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 or better, in courses used to satisfy the major.

    Environmental Tracks

    The following courses, as well as other identified, occasional, ENST cross-listed course offerings, can be used to satisfy the elective requirements of the major and minor:

    Environmental Science Track

    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    BIOL 271 - Ecology and Evolution Credit Hours: 4
    BIOL 380 - Topics in Biology Credit Hours: 2-4
    BIOL 316 - Tropical Biology Credit Hours: 4
    BIOL 383 - Biological Oceanography Credit Hours: 4
    BIOL 463 - Ecology of Coastal Systems Credit Hours: 4
    BIOL 435 - Plant Physiology Credit Hours: 4
    CHEM 301 - Marine Chemistry Credit Hours: 2
    CHEM 302 - Geochemistry Credit Hours: 2
    CHEM 305 - Quantitative Analysis Credit Hours: 4
    CHEM 306 - Instrumental Analysis Credit Hours: 4
    ENST 265 - Earth Systems Credit Hours: 4
    ENST 295 - Topics in Environmental Science Credit Hours: 4


    ENST 222 - Environmental Data Analysis and Visualization Credit Hours: 4


    MRNE 222 - Environmental Data Analysis and Visualization Credit Hours: 4


    ENST 382 - GIS Applications Credit Hours: 4
    ENST 392 - Field Research Methods Credit Hours: 4


    MRNE 392 - Field Research Methods Credit Hours: 4


    ENST 393 - Coastal Ecosystem Management Credit Hours: 4


    MRNE 393 - Coastal Ecosystem Management Credit Hours: 4


    ENST 394 - Earth and Space Science for Educators Credit Hours: 4
    ENST 365 - Marine Environmental Toxicology Credit Hours: 4


    MRNE 365 - Marine Environmental Toxicology Credit Hours: 4


    ENST 395 - Advanced Topics in Environmental Science Credit Hours: 4
    MRNE 110 - Introduction to Marine Science Credit Hours: 4
    MRNE 220 - Physical Oceanography Credit Hours: 4

    Environmental Policy & Social Sciences Track

    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    ANTH 243 - Biological Anthropology Credit Hours: 4
    ANTH 302 - Food and Culture Credit Hours: 4
    ANTH 337 - Atlantic World Archaeology Credit Hours: 4
    ANTH 341 - Economic and Ecological Anthropology Credit Hours: 4
    ANTH 352 - Topics in Anthropology Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 350 - Environmental Economics Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 354 - Natural Resource Economics Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 372 - Economics of Developing Countries Credit Hours: 4
    ENST 285 - Topics in Environmental Policy & Social Sciences Credit Hours: 4
    ENST 283 - Race and Place Credit Hours: 4
    ENST 383 - Race, Gender, and Environmental Justice Credit Hours: 4
    ENST 385 - Advanced Topics in Environmental Policy & Social Sciences Credit Hours: 4
    HIST 394 - Topics in Asian and African History Credit Hours: 4
    MRNE 480 - Topics in Marine Science Credit Hours: 4
    MUST 390 - Topics in Museum Studies Credit Hours:
    POSC 311 - Public Policy Credit Hours: 4
    POSC 385 - Topics in Political Science or Public Policy Credit Hours: 4
    POSC 408 - Studies in Public Policy Credit Hours: 4


    PPOL 408 - Studies in Public Policy Credit Hours: 4


    PSYC 396 - Collaborative Research in Psychology Credit Hours: 4
    SOCI 315 - Environmental Sociology Credit Hours: 4
    SOCI 355 - Demography Credit Hours: 4

    Environmental Arts and Humanities Track

    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    ART 233 - Topics in Art Credit Hours: 4
    ART 239 - Painting and Drawing from Life Credit Hours: 4
    ART 240 - Landscape Drawing and Painting Credit Hours: 4
    ART 333 - Advanced Topics in Art Credit Hours: 4
    ART 390 - The Artist Naturalist Credit Hours: 4
    ILAS 210 - Latin American Cultural Studies Credit Hours: 4
    ILCS 365 - Creating for Social Change Credit Hours: 4
    ILCS 372 - Multicultural Characteristics of Early Modern Spain Credit Hours: 4
    ENGL 106 - Introduction to Literature Credit Hours: 4
    ENGL 130 - Literary Topics Credit Hours: 4
    ENGL 201 - Topics in Writing Credit Hours: 4
    ENGL 365 - Studies in American Literature Credit Hours: 4
    ENGL 390 - Topics in Literature Credit Hours: 4
    ENGL 391 - The Word in the World Credit Hours: 4
    ENGL 395 - Advanced Topics in Writing Credit Hours: 4
    ENGL 430 - Special Topics in Literature Credit Hours: 4
    ENST 275 - Topics in Environmental Humanities Credit Hours: 4
    ENST 375 - Advanced Topics in Environmental Humanities Credit Hours: 4
    PHIL 321 - Environmental Ethics Credit Hours: 4

    Summary of Environmental Studies Major Requirements
