Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024 - 2025 College Catalog Degree Requirement: Public Policy, BA Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Public Policy, BA

View Political Science Department website

Public policy decisions touch nearly every aspect of daily life, although we often fail to recognize or understand their impact. Daily, we are exposed to the policy proposals and preferences of those in or seeking office and they are in turn influenced by the preferences of the public and the pressures of organized interest groups. Given the impact that policy choices can have on our lives, it is essential that we have an understanding of how policy choices are made and how we might evaluate those choices. Why do we need this knowledge? Policymakers are more responsive to the demands and interests of an active and informed public.

The purpose of the public policy major is to equip students with sufficient competence in analytical skills supported by social science theory to prepare them for graduate or professional study. Majors should be sufficiently prepared to seek positions in organizations which deal with public policy issues: business firms, trade associations, lobbying organizations, and government agencies. The major provides students with the factual, analytical, practical, and theoretical skills necessary for contemporary policy design, implementation, and evaluation.

Public policy is interdisciplinary in nature; it is affected by social and economic conditions; political as well as cultural values; and the structure of government. The study of public policy requires the integration of knowledge from multiple disciplines to understand and critically assess public problems and potential solutions. The public policy major draws upon the knowledge and experience usually available through separate majors such as anthropology, economics, sociology, and political science. Only through a coordinated exposure to these fields can a student understand how they interact in the world of public policy. The interdisciplinary nature of the major makes it a good choice for students considering a double major in related disciplines such as political science or economics.

Public policy students may choose from two disciplinary tracks within the public policy major - American public policy or International public policy. A student who chooses to major in public policy should select an adviser from the political science or public policy faculty, and in conjunction with the adviser, plan a program that is appropriate to the needs and objectives of the students.

Students who have questions about the public policy major should consult Todd Eberly, coordinator of public policy studies.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain the processes (and roles of the policy makers) involved in the creation of public policies
  • Students will be able to identify public policy problems and potential solutions
  • Students will be able to assess the feasibility of potential solutions to public policy problems
  • Students will be able to judge the effectiveness of policies using quantitative methods
  • Students will be able to create written policy proposals and analyses
  • Students will be able to create oral presentations on policy proposals and analyses
  • Students will be able to acknowledge the concerns of those affected by public policy problems and proposed solutions

Degree Requirements

General College Requirements

General College Requirements, including the following requirements to satisfy the major:

Twelve (12) Credit Hours of Introductory Courses in the Social Sciences

Twelve (12) credit hours of introductory courses in the social sciences. Students must earn a grade of C- or better in each required major course and maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 or better in these required courses:

Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
POSC 100 - Introduction to Politics Credit Hours: 4
ECON 102 - Principles of Microeconomics Credit Hours: 4
ECON 103 - Principles of Macroeconomics Credit Hours: 4

Twenty-Eight (28) Credit Hours in the Student’s Selected Disciplinary Track

Twenty-eight (28) credit hours in the student’s selected disciplinary track. If only one course is listed next to a letter, then that specific course is required. Where a choice of courses is provided, students must select one course from the options provided. Students should note that some core courses are prerequisites for certain elective courses available under this major. Students should consider their elective options when selecting their core courses.

American Public Policy:

Four (4) credit hours of approved American Public Policy electives
Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
POSC 201 - American Politics Credit Hours: 4


ECON 251 - Intermediate Macroeconomics Credit Hours: 4


ECON 252 - Intermediate Microeconomics Credit Hours: 4


ECON 253 - Economic Statistics Credit Hours: 4


POSC 200 - Scope and Methods of Political Science Credit Hours: 4


POSC 311 - Public Policy Credit Hours: 4
POSC 315 - Policy Evaluation Credit Hours: 4


POSC 367 - Public Administration Credit Hours: 4


POSC 330 - The United States Congress Credit Hours: 4


POSC 312 - State and Community Politics: Maryland Credit Hours: 4


SOCI 330 - Sociology of Organizations Credit Hours: 4

International Public Policy:

Four (4) credit hours of approved International Public Policy electives
Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
POSC 252 - Comparative Politics Credit Hours: 4


POSC 269 - International Politics Credit Hours: 4


ECON 251 - Intermediate Macroeconomics Credit Hours: 4


ECON 252 - Intermediate Microeconomics Credit Hours: 4


ECON 253 - Economic Statistics Credit Hours: 4


POSC 200 - Scope and Methods of Political Science Credit Hours: 4


POSC 311 - Public Policy Credit Hours: 4
POSC 315 - Policy Evaluation Credit Hours: 4


POSC 320 - International Political Economy Credit Hours: 4


ECON 318 - International Finance Credit Hours: 4


ECON 356 - International Economics Credit Hours: 4


ECON 360 - Comparative Economic Systems Credit Hours: 4

Senior Experience in Public Policy (eight credit hours)

  • Eight (8) credit hours of St. Mary’s Project, or
  • Four (4) credit hours of PPOL 408/POSC 408 (or other approved senior seminar) with a senior experience paper and four (4) credit hours of electives in the student’s selected concentration.
  • Double majors should consult with their advisor for additional information

Senior Experience

Each student must complete an eight-credit St. Mary’s Project in public policy or write a senior experience paper for the course PPOL/POSC 408, “Studies in Public Policy” (cross-listed POSC 408). (Please see the course descriptions for PPOL 408, “Studies in Public Policy” and PPOL 494 for St. Mary’s Projects.) The student who chooses to write a senior experience paper instead of a St. Mary’s Project will file a declaration of intent with the course instructor and the public policy coordinator by the end of the sixth week during the semester the student enrolls in “Studies in Public Policy.” Guidelines for the senior experience paper will be given to the student by the instructor. Successful completion of the course shall constitute completion of the senior experience requirement. (This course also meets the senior experience requirement for political science.) Double majors should consult with their adviser for additional information.

Field Experience and Independent Study

The 48 credit hours of major requirements may include field experience and independent study approved by the coordinator of the public policy major.

List of Elective Courses by Concentration

* Where the topic of the course is appropriate. (Appropriateness of the topic will be determined by the coordinator of the public policy major.

American Public Policy

Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ECON 325 - Urban Economics and Urban Issues Credit Hours: 4
ECON 350 - Environmental Economics Credit Hours: 4
ECON 351 - Industrial Organization and Regulation Credit Hours: 4
ECON 355 - Labor Economics Credit Hours: 4
ECON 357 - Money and Banking Credit Hours: 4
ECON 359 - Public Sector Economics Credit Hours: 4
ENST 450 - Seminar in Environmental Studies Credit Hours: 4
POSC 312 - State and Community Politics: Maryland Credit Hours: 4
POSC 330 - The United States Congress Credit Hours: 4
POSC 351 - Constitutional Law I: Struggles over Power Credit Hours: 4
POSC 367 - Public Administration Credit Hours: 4
POSC 371 - American Political Thought I Credit Hours: 4
  • POSC 371 - American Political Thought I Credit Hours: 4
  • POSC 451 - Supreme Court and Public Policy Credit Hours: 4
    POSC 461 - Studies in American Politics * Credit Hours: 4
    SOCI 330 - Sociology of Organizations Credit Hours: 4
    SOCI 347 - Sociology of Race and Ethnicity Credit Hours: 4
    SOCI 365 - Social Stratification Credit Hours: 4

    International Public Policy

    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    ECON 318 - International Finance Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 360 - Comparative Economic Systems Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 372 - Economics of Developing Countries Credit Hours: 4
    POSC 320 - International Political Economy Credit Hours: 4
    POSC 333 - Asian Politics Credit Hours: 4
    POSC 405 - Democratization Credit Hours: 4
    POSC 462 - Studies in Comparative Politics * Credit Hours: 4
    POSC 468 - Studies in International Relations * Credit Hours: 4

    Courses Approved for Either Concentration

    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    ANTH 341 - Economic and Ecological Anthropology Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 350 - Environmental Economics Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 354 - Natural Resource Economics Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 363 - Political Economy Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 459 - Senior Seminar in Economics * Credit Hours: 4
    POSC 364 - U.S. Foreign Policy Credit Hours: 4
    POSC 385 - Topics in Political Science or Public Policy * Credit Hours: 4
    SOCI 302 - Medical Sociology Credit Hours: 4
    SOCI 312 - Economic Sociology Credit Hours: 4
    SOCI 355 - Demography Credit Hours: 4
    SOCI 490 - Senior Seminar * Credit Hours: 4

    Sequence of Study

    The student will plan a program with an adviser to make a meaningful combination of courses. All PPOL students must choose the American Policy Track or the International Policy Track. The following models are suggested as a possible basic program in the major to satisfy the above stipulations:

    American Public Policy

    First Year
    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    POSC 100 - Introduction to Politics AND Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 102 - Principles of Microeconomics AND Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 103 - Principles of Macroeconomics Credit Hours: 4
    Second Year
    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    POSC 201 - American Politics AND Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 251 - Intermediate Macroeconomics Credit Hours: 4




    POSC 200 - Scope and Methods of Political Science AND Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 252 - Intermediate Microeconomics Credit Hours: 4




    ECON 253 - Economic Statistics Credit Hours: 4
    Third Year
    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    POSC 311 - Public Policy AND Credit Hours: 4
    POSC 315 - Policy Evaluation AND Credit Hours: 4
  • Eight (8) credit hours in upper level courses approved for the American Public Policy track of PPOL
  • Fourth Year
    • Eight (8) credit hours of St. Mary’s Project




    • Four (4) credit hours of PPOL 408/POSC 408 (or other approved senior seminar) with a senior experience paper and four (4) credit hours of electives in the student’s selected concentration

    International Public Policy

    First Year
    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    POSC 100 - Introduction to Politics AND Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 102 - Principles of Microeconomics AND Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 103 - Principles of Macroeconomics Credit Hours: 4
    Second Year
    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    POSC 269 - International Politics Credit Hours: 4




    POSC 252 - Comparative Politics AND Credit Hours: 4
    ECON 251 - Intermediate Macroeconomics Credit Hours: 4




    ECON 252 - Intermediate Microeconomics AND Credit Hours: 4
    POSC 200 - Scope and Methods of Political Science Credit Hours: 4




    ECON 253 - Economic Statistics Credit Hours: 4
    Third Year
    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    POSC 311 - Public Policy AND Credit Hours: 4
    POSC 315 - Policy Evaluation AND Credit Hours: 4
  • Eight (8) credit hours in upper level courses approved for the International Public Policy track of PPOL
  • Fourth Year
    • Eight (8) credit hours of St. Mary’s Project




    • Four (4) credit hours of PPOL 408/POSC 408 (or other approved senior seminar) with a senior experience paper and four (4) credit hours of electives in the student’s selected concentration
