Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024 - 2025 College Catalog Degree Requirement: Philosophy, BA Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Philosophy, BA

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The fundamental educational objective of the philosophy major is to turn students into lovers of wisdom (the original meaning of the Greek term, philosophos). As a field, philosophy is more than 2,500 years old. In the first instance, philosophy is a body of ideas and doctrines that have been articulated by thinkers who have sought to understand the basic features of what is, what could be and what ought to be. Philosophy students need to know these rationally developed positions in order to avoid repeating past errors and to build upon what is best in our philosophical heritage.

Students who complete the philosophy minor (a) understand the historical scope of philosophical discourse, especially the main movements of Western thought; (b) gain familiarity with the history and contemporary relevance of at least one non-Western tradition; (c) develop skills in critical and evaluative analysis of philosophical texts; and (d) accomplish some advanced work in composition of well-reasoned philosophical argumentation.

Equally important, philosophers attempt to rationally justify their most basic intuitions about the nature of reality. Philosophy is an activity that students engage in by thinking clearly, carefully, and systematically about fundamental problems of existence. This activity is not a replacement of but a complement to scientific investigation. Philosophy is a reflection upon hypotheses that, because of their fundamental and general character, cannot be verified or falsified by the current methods of modern science. For example, philosophers examine the claim that our consciousness is nothing more than a series of neurological events of the brain. They also consider the grounds of political obligation, or whether certain human actions are wrong beyond our happening to think they are, or whether our knowledge can be valid for all time periods and all cultural circumstances. Members of the department deal with fundamental and grave issues facing all of us in the 21st century, including war and peace, global justice, environmental health, and gender equity. Philosophical approaches include Western European traditions, East Asian and South Asian thought, and critical and feminist theories.

Because of the intensive and extensive training in conceptual analysis of fundamental problems, the philosophy major provides an excellent preparation for virtually any professional career. Philosophy prepares us not only to earn a living, but also to address such questions as why we should live, and how we live, our all-too-human lives.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to situate important texts in the history of philosophy as responding to earlier thinkers.
  • Students will be able to apply traditional philosophical concepts to issues of contemporary relevance.
  • Students will be able to construct effective written communication of ideas in Philosophy.
  • Students will be able to construct effective oral communication of ideas in Philosophy.
  • Students will be able to construct a critique of the reasoning used for various arguments.
  • Students will be able to ground in primary sources claims about thinkers.

Degree Requirements

General College Requirements

General College Requirements (see Curriculum section), including the following requirements to satisfy the major

Course Requirements

At least 44 credit hours in philosophy, as specified in below. A grade of C- or better must be received in each course of the major and the cumulative grade-point average of courses used to satisfy the major must be at least 2.00. Courses taken for credit/no credit may not be used to satisfy requirements.

Required Core Courses: 32 credit hours

Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy Credit Hours: 4


PHIL 120 - Introduction to Ethics Credit Hours: 4


PHIL 300 - Cranks and Sages: Greek and Roman Philosophy Credit Hours: 4
PHIL 302 - Mind and Knowledge: Descartes to Kant Credit Hours: 4


PHIL 380 - Topics in Philosophy Credit Hours: 4


PHIL 381 - Happiness and Meaning Credit Hours: 4


PHIL 382 - Meditation and the Mind Credit Hours: 4


PHIL 492 - SMP Proseminar Credit Hours: 1
PHIL 493 - St. Mary’s Project in Philosophy Credit Hours: 1-8
PHIL 494 - St. Mary’s Project in Philosophy Credit Hours: 1-8
One of the Following Courses in a Non-Western Philosophical Tradition:
Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHIL 351 - East Asian Philosophies: Confucianism, Daoism, & Zen Credit Hours: 4
PHIL 352 - South Asian Philosophies: Hinduism, Buddhism, & Islam Credit Hours: 4
PHIL 380 - Topics in Philosophy Credit Hours: 4
One of the Following Courses in Value Theory:
Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
PHIL 321 - Environmental Ethics Credit Hours: 4
PHIL 325 - Feminism and Philosophy Credit Hours: 4
PHIL 333 - Ethical Theories Credit Hours: 4

Upper-Level Electives:

Twelve credit hours chosen from any 300- or 400-level philosophy courses listed in the College catalog. Credits earned from internships, field experiences, and honors or senior projects cannot be used to meet this requirement.

St. Mary’s Project

Students who complete an SMP outside of PHIL 493/PHIL 494 must complete eight additional credit hours chosen from any 300- or 400-level philosophy courses listed in the College catalog, in addition to the courses used by the student to satisfy the requirements of the philosophy major. After consultation with the department chair, a reduction of four or eight credit hours may be granted for SMPs with substantial philosophical content.

Suggested Sequence of Study

First year:

Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
  • Core Curriculum requirements and either
  • PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy Credit Hours: 4


    PHIL 120 - Introduction to Ethics AND Credit Hours: 4
  • upper-level course in philosophy
  • Sophomore year:

    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
  • Core Curriculum requirements

    PHIL 300 - Cranks and Sages: Greek and Roman Philosophy Credit Hours: 4


    PHIL 302 - Mind and Knowledge: Descartes to Kant Credit Hours: 4


    either  PHIL 351 - East Asian Philosophies: Confucianism, Daoism, & Zen Credit Hours: 4


    PHIL 352 - South Asian Philosophies: Hinduism, Buddhism, & Islam Credit Hours: 4

    Junior year:

    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
  • Completion of Core Curriculum requirements

    PHIL 300 - Cranks and Sages: Greek and Roman Philosophy Credit Hours: 4


    PHIL 302 - Mind and Knowledge: Descartes to Kant Credit Hours: 4


    PHIL 321 - Environmental Ethics Credit Hours: 4


    PHIL 325 - Feminism and Philosophy Credit Hours: 4


    PHIL 333 - Ethical Theories Credit Hours: 4


    one of  PHIL 380 - Topics in Philosophy Credit Hours: 4
    PHIL 381 - Happiness and Meaning Credit Hours: 4
    PHIL 382 - Meditation and the Mind Credit Hours: 4


  • upper-level elective course in philosophy
  • PHIL 492 - SMP Proseminar Credit Hours: 1

    Senior year:

    Course NameCredit Hours:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    PHIL 493 - St. Mary’s Project in Philosophy Credit Hours: 1-8
    PHIL 494 - St. Mary’s Project in Philosophy Credit Hours: 1-8
  • two upper-level elective philosophy courses
  • Notes: